Build a social presence
At least one profile on social network with 100 followers.
Create your Bonzai

Setup your social media and your Bonzai
Put the exact same name and avatar everywhere.
Setup your Bonzai :

Upload the Avatar (the same than your Social Networks).
Put your name (the same than your Social Networks).
Headline (one line to present yourself, less is more, keep it short).
Links : your social medias (Youtube, Twitter, Instagram, etc...)
Community chat Link : your discussion group (on Telegram or Discord)
Invite your followers on Bonzai
Your first post is a gift for your audience. It can be a free lesson, an exclusive content, a mystery gift... whatever.
It's something your audience wants.
And each time you publish content in your social media, you speak about the gift :
"Click on the link in the description and receive the great gift I prepared for you"
You also put this link in the description and in every Bio of your social medias.
And while you talk about it, you show the screenshot of the gift page : The Bonzai Landing Page.

This page collect the email of your new Bonzai Subscriber, and once they gave the email, it redirects them automaticly to the post with the gift.
Create the post that will be the gift.

Chose a nice picture, and put the content in the post.

Setup the content visibility in "Subs", so only your Subs can see the post.

Create now a landing page.
And chose the post of redirection for the landing-page.
Well done, now your social-media traffic automaticly becomes a contact on your mailing list.
Build the relation between you and your audience
Youdo that with the Newsletter.
People won't come to your Bonzai. But your Bonzai will come to them, by emails.
Each time you publish a good piece of content, create a post about.
It can be a new youtube video, a thread on Twitter, a serie of stories, or simply a NewsLetter.

Then, send this post to your Subs by clicking on "Send now"

And they will all receive a mail with your post.
Invite them in the discussion group
In every post you write, finish with a call-to-action.
Invite them to your discussion chat.
Share a screenshot of the chat :

Tell your audience to join the discussion chat and put the link.
It's the same discussion chat that we have setup before in the setting : "Community Link"

Now your audience automaticly goes to your discussion group.
You can also get more people in your chat by doing Live on youtube, Instagram, Tiktok, or Twitter Space, and to offer !&A to your audience.
You will share the link of your discusssion group, and answer only to question asked in the group.
Let the relation build itself
If you did well the previous job :
- to create quality content on social media
- to connect your social media content and Bonzai
- to send post via NewsLetter
- to connect your NewsLetter with your discussion group
You have now a group that growns automaticaly, with your audience who can discuss between each other.
They will speak mostly about you, or about your topic.
You can let them talk freely.
And you can also animate the group with games, give-away, or interesting comments in the conversation.
Make cash
You sell mostly in the discussion group.
In the pin-post, share the link of your product in the shop.
Create the product in Bonzai :

If you don't have any product, just chose in the market place, and click on "feature on my shop" :

Here for exemple there is my product "Magic MVG" and a product from Tugan's Bonzai : "RX"

When I sell my product, I get 100% of the revenues.
When I sell product of others, I get only a %age of the revenues. Usually around 50%.
Click on one of this product, copy the link, and make a promotion in your discussion group. Pin the message with the promotion, so everyone sees it constantly.
Make more cash
One of the best way to make cash is "limited offers".
Give a discount for limited time.
Or give access to purchasing an offer for limited time.
In the both case, it creates a feeling of emergency that pushes your audience to make one more step in relation, and to go from "member of your community" to "customer".
An other way to make cash, is to put the link of your product in the call-to-action of your NewsLetter.
Now check your entire setup.
And see if it's build exactly in the way I told you.
If not, and if you do less than 500$/month while you already work on it for more than 2 months : you're doing it wrong. So forget about what you think, and do exactly as I said.
Delete all the useless things that are out of the plan I just gave you. And focus on building a Bonzai clean and simple.
Once you have build it in the way I'm telling you, or doing cash in your own way, check the lessons "Magic MVG" (it's free) to go to the next step.
If you put real efforts, there's no reason to not make 10.000$/month here.

Bonzai : how does it work ?

What is an MVG ?

Create Your Product on Bonzai

Find Topics for your content

Video call with your ambassadors

Prospect the creators

Target your creators

The "Pro" Ambassador deal

How much does that pay ?

Sell your product on the Marketplace

Become a Bonzai Ambassador

The Landing Pages rotation system

Bonzai Landing Page

Selling a product through Affiliate marketing

The power of relationships

Comedy, drama, politics, analysis... How to monetize entertainment on YouTube

The Challenges

The Octopus

Earning Subscribers using Twitter