Bonzai is the platform to become the best Guru.
Your main job should only be to publish content, Bonzai helps you to build relation with your audience, and to monetize.

In the Bio of all of your social network, put your Bonzai link.
It's the equivalent of your Linktree, or your visit card. But way better.
In your content (video, stories, threads...), mention your Bonzai.
And a good way to do it, is to offer high-quality content, for free, available on a Bonzai post. So you don't even need to mention Bonzai, you only talk about your content. You can also make Landing Pages on Bonzai, to focus fully on this Bonzai post.
Professor LYX create contents about Luxo Blockchain.
He understood what was the most desirable information for his audience, and discuss about it on his pinned-tweet :

In this thread, he attached the link of the post with the full version of this content, available on Bonzai.
And pinned this post on his Bonzai profile :

When visitors click this post, in order to see the content, they have to subscribe to his profile :

When a visitor Subscribe to the profile, Professor LYX receive the email of the visitor.
And each time he sends a post as a Newsletter, his entire list of subscribers receive the Newsletter in their email box.
2 - Chat Group
Once the visitor becomes a Sub, he can read the post.
And in the post, the creator invite the Sub to join the discussion chat :

In the chat (on telegram or discord) the creator pin post a message to promote his main product.
Same methode when he has a special offer.
The product can be in your Bonzai Shop or anywhere you want.

If you don't have a product, you can chose any product from Bonzai creators (in the marketplace), and import it in your shop in one click, to receive affiliation revenues.
Subscribers have habbits.
They open their emails and they open their messages on their discussion app' (telegram, discord).
In their mailbox they'll receive your newsletter (each time you creeate content, you should make a post, and send it by email to your Subs).
In their discussion app', they'll see the new messages from the community, and will engage in the conversation with your community.
Wich brings them back to step 3 : monetisation
With this method, you only focus on what should be your real job : to create the best content possible.
To get better, it's easy.
Here you'll find a free training program from MVG experts Tugan Bara and Jm Corda :

"How to Bonzai" STEP by STEP instruction

What is an MVG ?

Create Your Product on Bonzai

Find Topics for your content

Video call with your ambassadors

Prospect the creators

Target your creators

The "Pro" Ambassador deal

How much does that pay ?

Sell your product on the Marketplace

Become a Bonzai Ambassador

The Landing Pages rotation system

Bonzai Landing Page

Selling a product through Affiliate marketing

The power of relationships

Comedy, drama, politics, analysis... How to monetize entertainment on YouTube

The Challenges

The Octopus

Earning Subscribers using Twitter