The "Auto-Reward" feature on Bonzai is designed to incentivize and reward our affiliates for promoting products.
This feature automatically add the right affiliate link in the products offered within other products.
So the affiliate is paid for his upsells EVEN when they happen long time after the first one.
Here's how it works: Creators on Bonzai can embed links to other products within the content of their own products :

For exemple, here is an embed product :
I've chosen Bonzai Premium, but I could have take any of my products, or any other creator's product (if they are available for affiliation).
When an affiliate successfully sells a product, any linked products within that content automatically inherit the affiliate's link. This means that if a customer proceeds to purchase any of the linked products, the affiliate will receive commission for those sales as well.
It’s a seamless way to encourage cross-promotion and ensure affiliates are rewarded for the full scope of their influence.
In AFFILIATION menu, and in "creator product" you can clic on "more information" on each product, to see what are the AUTO-REWARD products inside tes products :

If an affiliate share any product containing AUTO-REWARD products, he will automaticaly receive affiliate commission from the sales of the AUTO-REWARD products.
All products contained into other products are automaticaly usgin the AUTO-REWARD feature.

Bonzai Premium: life time affiliation revenues

Bonzai Business: supercharge your earnings and audience reach

Bonzai Premium: Learn from the Best, Anytime, Anywhere

Bonzai's major UX/UI overhaul and new features

A new chapter: 🌐bonzai.pro

Enhanced landing pages and More

Affiliation: reach new earnings

Join the Bonzai Ambassador Program

Updates: magic link login, product content and API

Now you can sell your products with Bonzai!

Launch your campaigns with Bonzai's new landing pages

Exciting update on Bonzai's product editing!